PlayStation 4 Emulator for PC

An Open-Source PS4 Emulator for Windows, macOS and Android

PCSX4 is the first and the only PS4/PS5 emulator that allows you to run PS4/PS5 games on PC, Mac, Linux and Android (arm64). It uses Vulkan and DirectX 12 as its back-end API renderers and runs most of the PS4 exclusive titles on high-end systems with some bugs/glitches as it is still in beta. There will be frequent releases which you can get from the downloads section. PCSX4 is a community-driven project, and anyone can contribute.

Latest build: 1.6.4r2

PS4 Emulator for PCPlayStation 4 library on the go

PlayStation 4 library on the go. PCSX4 is capable of many great things, thanks to our developers and supporters who are contributing to this project. We welcome contributions to our codebase. Your valuable contribution can help us take PCSX4 to greater heights. Our goal is to make this accessible across various operating systems and ensure compatibility with an extensive hardware, all while maintaining realistic requirements.

Native PS4 Emulation

PS4 is based on the x86/64 architecture, which enables PCSX4 to run at a near native performance on Windows, macOS and Android by taking advantage of the DEngine, Vulcan API, and hardware-assisted virtualization engine. PCSX4 renders games smoothly without compromising the visual quality. macOS is also supported via Metal (API).

  • Near-native performance
  • Hardware-assisted virtualization
  • Cross-platform support
  • Smooth rendering
PCSX4 Performance Visualization

Unlocked FPS

Play PS4 games on PC, MAC and Android at variable frame rates with a smooth experience as most of the titles can now run at 60 FPS and beyond. Use the built-in frame-limiter to speed up or slow down the game for rapid grinding or passing through difficult areas.

  • 60+ FPS gameplay
  • Built-in frame limiter
  • Variable frame rates
  • GPU memory optimization
PCSX4 FPS Comparison

Multiple Input Devices

PCSX4 supports almost all the input gaming controllers that are supported on Windows and Android. You can even use mouse input for first-person-shooter games. PS4 & Xbox-ONE controllers have plug and play support on PCSX4.

  • Plug and play support
  • Mouse input for FPS games
  • Pre-loaded controller profiles
  • Wide device compatibility
PCSX4 Controller Support

Enhanced Visuals

PCSX4 lets users tune in-game resolution, add post-processing effects, and extend visual enhancement features. Graphics settings can be tuned on the fly without reloading the games. Graphics enhancement, mods, and custom shaders are also supported.

  • 4K resolution support
  • Real-time graphics tuning
  • Custom shader support
  • Anti-aliasing & texture filtering
PCSX4 Visual Enhancements

Play the Best PlayStation 4 Games on Your PC and Mac with PS4 Emulator

Our team is dedicated to creating an emulator that delivers the best possible performance, providing an immersive gaming experience. Explore how you can play PS4 games on your PC with PCSX4.

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PC Benchmark
PC Benchmark
PC Benchmark

Legal Disclaimer

PCSX4 (PS4 Emulator) is not meant for illegal activities, and we have a strict policy against piracy. All resources are obtained via reverse engineering of legally owned devices, games, and information present on the internet. The main objective of this project is to enhance the gaming experience, research, and provide education about the core concepts of device emulation.